About Amber Melendy

Amber is a Life-Giving Educator and Guide for Families, dedicated to nurturing a harmonious balance of structure and flow for health and freedom. With a rich background in yoga and meditation, she has committed her life to supporting individuals in discovering their authentic and unique Self. Amber’s experiences as a Waldorf Teacher and a mother have deeply influenced her approach to conscious education, emphasizing deprogramming, right/left brain coherence and authentic connection.

Amber holds a Waldorf Grades Teacher Certification and is pursuing a Master of Education. Her extensive expertise includes yoga teacher trainings, body and energy healing and education consultant. As a Human Design and Gene Keys Guide, Amber offers insightful guidance to help individuals understand their personal operating systems and unlock their full potential. She works with Systemic Engineering of the Soul a synthesis of Family Constellations, based on Bert Hellinger's work, to help families restore order and heal ancestral trauma and emotional dysfunction.

Amber is often called a natural psychologist, as indicated by her astrology chart, adept at navigating the underworld and supporting initiations through rites of passage work. She is devoted to ushering humanity to the next level of evolution and is determined to help today's children—our future leaders—innovate for a world in harmony with nature.

Amber believes that one of the main keys in life is to understand the stories that shape and define us. Relationships are the final frontier, as the English word "relation" comes from the Latin "refero" and later "relatus," meaning narration or the telling of events. The stories we tell each other and the stories we tell about others reveal much about ourselves. As Nancy Mellon says,

"Either we are broadcasting the seeds of the tree of life or not."

Through her learning platforms, Learning with Nature and Life-Giving Educators, Amber provides families with tools and guidance to foster intuition, inspiration and imagination that support growth, self-knowledge and wisdom. As a Simplicity Parenting Discipline Guide and a Mindfulness Educator with Mindful Schools, she emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and the wisdom of the body and stages of development. Amber is devoted to creating uplifting, empowering, and inspiring environments, leaving a legacy of true education and well-being for future generations.

Some of Amber's favorite past times and rituals include drinking fine teas, spending lots of time in nature, family time, watercolor painting, dance parties, fire ceremonies, waterfalls and enjoying the beauty available to us on this Sacred Mother Earth.

I present to you, this Community of the Heart.

It is Time Now, for Us All to Thrive!


  • Waldorf Grades Teacher Certification with Antioch University

    Working towards Master of Education 

  • B.A. Psychology and Environmental and Growth Management Studies

  • Yoga Alliance Experienced Yoga Teacher and Registered Yoga School - Shine On Yoga & Healing Center

  • Meditation/Breathwork Guide

  • Jikiden Reiki 1 & 2 / 3rd Degree Usui Reiki

  • Ashtanga/Sivananda/Kundalini/Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainings

  • Theta Healing® Practitioner

  • Mystery School - Adept, Teacher of Light Initiation, DNA Life Activation, King Salomon Healing Modality

  • Pranic Healing - Basic, Advanced, Psychotherapy, Crystal, Arhatic Yoga Prep.

  • Thai Yoga Massage Training

  • Ayurvedic PanchaKarma Therapist

  • Medical Massage Training, LMT 102100

  • 3 year training in Body Dialogues with Janice Rous: Alexander Technique, Stough Breathing Coordination and Iyengar Yoga

  • Human Design/Gene Keys Guide

  • Systemic Engineering of the Soul: Family Constellations - Marielena Obrenic

  • Mindfulness Educator with Mindful Schools

  • Discipline and Guidance Guide with Simplicity Parenting

  • Art of Storytelling with Nancy Mellon

  • Journey of a Young Women – rites of passages for young women

  • Ordained Minister with Light Wing Center

You are the Key to a Beautiful, Life-Giving Reality!

{2024} - Amber Melendy

All rights reserved