Sign Up for More Information:

Embodied Star Basic Package - $333

1 ½ hour Human Design initial reading

2 (20) minute follow up sessions within the month

BioEnergetic Meditation on your Design

Includes Recording and handouts to support you

Access to email responses - within the month you have access to ask questions via email and receive responses within reasonable time.

Access to 13 Healthy Rhythms group Zoom sessions on Friday 4:30-6:30pm

Access to my Ebooks

Access to Private FB Group

Embodied Star Premium Package - $444

(2) 1 ½ hour Human Design initial reading

3 (20) minute follow up sessions

BioEnergetic Meditation on your Design

 Includes Recording and handouts to support you

Access to email responses - within the month you have access to ask questions via email and receive responses within reasonable time.

Access to 13 Healthy Rhythms group Zoom sessions on Friday 4:30-6:30pm

Access to my Ebooks 

Access to Private FB Group

Weekly Group Zoom Sessions

Beginning February 15th and meeting each Thursday for 13 weeks.

Without the purchase of a session or package - $44 per zoom

Thursday’s 7:30-9:30pm

13 Healthy Rhythms

The zoom sessions begins with a teaching from;

1. Human Design/Gene Keys and Ancient Wisdom Traditions, 

2. then we dive into the Healthy Rhythm of the Week

3. and finally we bring it into the body through one of the following: Body/energy work, Color work, Movement, Sound healing, Singing. Need to have some kind of colors - paint, pastels, pencils… whatever your medium of choice. 

We will begin our Zoom session with information about:

Human Design /Gene Keys - Energetic weather of the week 

Shadow / Gift / Siddhi 

Animal medicine 

Plant medicine 

Crystal medicine 

Herbal remedies 

Flower medicine 


13 Healthy Rhythms

Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or other contemplative practices can help us stay grounded, centered, and present in the moment. Are we a human being or doing? What brings us into the now. 

Play: Taking time to engage in playful activities can bring joy, laughter, and a sense of lightness to our lives.Let it go, let it flow. Fun, Joy, and Laughter are the best medicines. It takes 20 years to learn something that can be learned in 6 months in play.  

Nature: Spending time in nature can help us connect with the natural world, reduce stress, and foster a sense of awe and wonder. Go outside. Take walks. Forest bath, listen to the birds, plant a garden. Rites of Passages and Initiation. 

Learning: Continuously learning and exploring new ideas can help us expand our minds, develop new skills, and foster curiosity and growth. Brain gym. Heart Math.

Service: We are here to serve the other. Serving others through volunteering or acts of kindness can bring a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and connection to our communities.

Spirituality: Cultivating a connection to a higher power or spiritual practice can bring peace, meaning, and a sense of purpose to our lives. Every day. Accept what can’t be changed. Change what can be and have the intelligence to know the difference. 

Environment: Our space either supports our intentions or not. An environment has to both provide safety as well as invoke a feeling of mystery which opens the doorway to curiosity. Learn about different environments people thrive in.

Sleep: It is essential to establish a regular sleep routine and ensure that we get enough restful sleep to recharge our bodies and minds. Relaxation is explored as well as techniques to help the body shift into parasympathetic rest and digest state. Yoga Nidra.  

Nutrition: What we put in we put out. Food, media, mind, emotions, spirit or heart consciousness. Eating for your Type as well as a healthy, balanced diet, and taking time to savor our meals with gratitude and mindfulness can help us maintain physical and mental well-being. PHS.

Conscious Movement: Movement is medicine. Exploring the body through somatic movement, yoga and dance.  Regular conscious exercise helps us to stay physically fit and release tension from the body.

Relationships: Relationships are key to a new reality. Exploration of teachers that discuss the relationship dynamics. Dr Gabor Mate, non violent communication, attachment theory, etc. Nurturing healthy relationships with family, friends, and community can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.

Work: Explore what makes us come alive and find a way to do that! Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for our mental and physical health. Setting boundaries and taking time to recharge can help us avoid burnout.

Creative expression:  Engaging in artistic and creative activities, such as painting, music, or writing, can help us connect with our inner selves and bring joy and fulfillment to our lives. “Colors are the deeds and sufferings of the soul” Goethe

Embodied Star:
13 Healthy Rhythms to Align Your Unique Design

Start the new year off right!

You will gain an understanding of your primary health system, body/mind operating system and mechanics through Human Design.

Then we will take a deep dive into establishing Healthy Rhythms that work for you.

I’ve designed a Guide Map to support you in the creation of a holistic lifestyle.

You will receive the keys to:

How you digest best.

Environments that nourish you.

Your correct perceptions and motivations.

13 Healthy Rhythms designed to create heart coherency.

And support you in the embodiment of your full potential on Earth.

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon, A time to Get back to Nature. Your Nature.

And Learning about your body's Natural Rhythms is Essential.

You are the Key

I provide the Map And guide your journey through the

13 Healthy Rhythms.

Are you ready?!

Unwind your Spine, Align your Mind, Free Your Heart

And access True Abundance on Earth

Fill out the form and I’ll be in touch.

Super excited to go on this journey with YOU

Offer Summary Sheet 

Healthy Rhythms and Embodied Star Ebooks

Human Design/Gene Keys: Reading(s)Private Consultations

Group Sessions via Zoom Inspired offerings for you as we work together they will unfold- yoga, meditation, astro weather, healthy rhythms, energy healing and mindfulness techniques etc. 

Healthy Rhythms and Mindfulness Ebook(s)

We all know rhythms are essential in maintaining a balanced life. Life is stressful and we all need support. This Ebook is designed to help you sustain your own Healthy Rhythms, which will lead to true Satisfaction, Peace, Embodied Success and Enjoyment of Life’s Wonders. The following 13 Healthy Rhythms are explored and will allow you to assess what you truly want to create this year. It is possible NOW to experience full embodiment on earth and access true abundance which is our birthright!

EnvironmentSleepNutritionMovementRelationshipsWorkCreative ExpressionMindfulnessPlayNatureLearningServiceSpirituality

2. Human Design/Gene Keys Reading via ZoomWhen you ground into your Unique Design, you embody a life that is filled with grace and ease which allows you to fluidly move between structure and flow. You will receive the keys to:

How you digest best. Environments that nourish you. Your correct perceptions and motivations. Body/Mind Operating Systems - Design and PersonalityBasic Gene Keys Genius Overview

3. Group sessions via ZoomTogether we will weave Healthy Rhythms, Human Design/Gene Keys and a plan to keep you on track throughout the year. It is easy to start the year, or a wellness plan, off right…but Maintenance is Sustenance. Sustaining is Nourishing. We all Need So Much Nourishment right now.

It is essential to sustain a rhythmical existence to manifest Your Full Potential On Earth. 

Now is the Time!

2024 - Amber Melendy

All rights reserved