Take Your Kid Back!

The time is NOW for us all to Thrive not just Survive!

Homeschooling & Healthy Rhythms Coaching

I support you in shifting and grounding your intentions into reality.

How to get started!

Fill out the form below and I will send you my Homeschooling 101

& "Take Your Kid Back" Ebooks.

Take Your Kid Back!

The systemic collapse we are experiencing is multifaceted and manifests in various aspects of our society, including the education system. Here's how it impacts education and why it's crucial to take your kid back from institutions that may be programming our children against their nature:

1. Cultural Shift: Our society is undergoing a profound cultural shift characterized by rapid technological advancements, economic instability, environmental degradation, and social unrest. These systemic challenges have created a climate of uncertainty and upheaval, impacting all aspects of our lives, including education.

2. Standardized Education: The traditional education system is based on standardized models of learning that prioritize conformity, memorization, and test scores over creativity, critical thinking, and individuality. This one-size-fits-all approach fails to accommodate the diverse needs, interests, and abilities of students, leading to disengagement, frustration, and underachievement.

3. Programming and Conditioning: Institutions within the education system, influenced by societal norms and values, often perpetuate harmful patterns of programming and conditioning that can stifle children's natural curiosity, creativity, and autonomy. From early childhood through adolescence, children are subjected to rigid structures, institutionalized behaviors, and external pressures that may inhibit their authentic expression and self-discovery.

4. Loss of Connection: The mechanistic approach to education prevalent in many institutions has led to a loss of connection between students, teachers, and the learning process itself. As education becomes increasingly standardized and commodified, the human element is often overlooked, resulting in feelings of alienation, disconnection, and disengagement among students and educators alike.

5. Spiritual and Emotional Void: The emphasis on academic achievement and material success within the education system often neglects the spiritual and emotional dimensions of learning. As a result, children may experience a sense of emptiness, longing, or existential despair as they navigate an educational landscape that fails to nurture their deeper needs for meaning, purpose, and connection.

Taking your kid back from institutions that may be programming them against their nature is essential for reclaiming their innate potential, fostering their holistic development, and empowering them to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By embracing alternative approaches to education that prioritize creativity, curiosity, and self-expression, parents can create a nurturing and supportive learning environment that honors their child's unique gifts and abilities, empowering them to become confident, compassionate, and engaged lifelong learners.

Welcome to Take Your Kid Back!

Are you ready to reclaim your child's education and well-being? Take Your Kid Back is a transformative program designed to empower parents to break free from the constraints of the traditional education system and embrace a holistic approach to homeschooling.

With Take Your Kid Back, you'll discover:

1. Empowerment: Take control of your child's education and create a customized learning experience that honors their unique gifts and passions.

2. Holistic Learning: Nurture your child's body, mind, and spirit with a curriculum that integrates academic subjects, creative arts, mindfulness practices, and spiritual exploration.

3. Community Support: Connect with like-minded parents and educators who are committed to creating a supportive and empowering homeschooling community.

4. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the guidance of a holistic educator who will provide you with the knowledge, resources, and support you need to succeed on your homeschooling journey.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your child's education and join us at

Take Your Kid Back today!"

When you sign up for Home School Coaching you receive a Healthy Rhythms Workbook.

We use this as a guide-map to support your holistic wellness needs needs and desires.

Healthy Rhythms lead to Satisfaction, Peace, Embodied Success and Enjoyment of Life’s Wonders.

In Waldorf Education and Ancient Wisdom traditions, there is a strong emphasis on cultivating healthy rhythms in all areas of life to bring about holistic wellness.

It's about breathing.

We have in breaths and out breaths and as such we need to cultivate and adapt this healthy breathing pattern to all areas of our lives.

This helps us find balance and regulate our nervous systems so that we can live in coherence.

Heart coherence is the key to a flexible, stable and balanced reality.

Trauma, programming and our current fear based collective reality, hijack our ability to live in heart coherency. It is up to each one of us to take back our power, align our body and mind and practice daily healthy rhythms to support a Life-Giving Reality!

In a session, we explore the 13 Healthy Rhythms and what in your life needs to be brought into greater alignment and then create a plan to support your intentions. Energy follows thought. Attention flows where energy goes.

I am a shift-maker.


I help you make shifts.


In the west we are not trained in Rites of Passage/Initiation Work.


Change is the only constant.

And stability is essential for our wellbeing.


We must take care of thySelf.


Every Day we need to get back to Nature.

Back to Our Nature.


Healthy Rhythms are the key.

Creativity is play and we learn more and quicker when we are in the right brain.


Drawing on my toolbox - 13 Healthy Rhythms and Embodied Star Ebooks,

Mindfulness, Parenting, Human Design/Gene Keys, Energy/Body Work, Waldorf Education, Art from the Heart, Movement is medicine, yoga, meditation, dance, laughter, emotional /mental wellness toolbox....


I support you in all the shifts of your life!


We all know rhythms are essential in maintaining a balanced life. Life is stressful and we all need support. This Ebook is designed to help you sustain your own Healthy Rhythms. The following 13 Healthy Rhythms are explored and will allow you to assess what you truly want to create this year.

It is possible NOW to experience full embodiment on earth and access true abundance which is our birthright!

1. Environment

2. Sleep

3. Nutrition

4. Movement

5. Relationships

6. Work

7. Creative Expression

8. Mindfulness

9. Play

10. Nature

11. Learning

12. Service

13. Spirituality

All packages come with my Healthy Rhythms Ebook and Workbook

We will customize a series of sessions to meet your needs.

Life Giving Education

We believe that healthy rhythms can uplift, empower and inspire us. 

We believe that heart coherency is key.

 We think that our trauma programming and conditioning has hijacked us into the homogenized reality today.

Forcing boxes like so called education, health, political systems etc. has not worked. It has run us into many dead ends. 

We are here to restore our lives by restoring our rhythms and the key is the body. 

We see bodies today in so much dis-ease, grief, distress, obesity, food, and mind disorders galore. 

Bodies need to maintain a healthy balance and we believe that being in nature, appropriate digestion and correct environments are the gateway to clear perception and true motivation bringing an embodied success. 

We seek and need order and stability in our lives, as well it is essential to create and enjoy spaces that cultivate curiosity and playfulness so that we can continue to expand and grow in all aspects of life!

Learn More About

Parent/Teacher Education

We are experiencing a split -

We have to go back to the basics,

Our root issues.

Homes and Schools need to be safe spaces where each one has a place.

Where nourishing standards are the norm,

and Healthy rhythms are the focus.

When the body is cared for,

then the mind can learn and grow,

till eventually it can share richly with the other, its community.

This is what the mind is for - to serve the other.

Human Design provides the mechanics to know our unique operating systems - we have a body operating system and a mind operating system.

Most of us think we can just force feed information and rules to our children,

But that doesn’t work anymore,

We can’t simply information dump...

Parent /Teacher Education Consultations support parents in the awareness of the uniqueness of their children and a guide map of their body /mind operating systems. Learning and experimenting with these tools will bring more connection, ease and wonder to your lives.

Introduction to the Holistic Child Development Program

Welcome to our Holistic Child Development Program, where we embark on a transformative journey to nurture the unique essence and potential of every child. In this program, we blend insights from Human Design with principles of Waldorf Education and innovative curriculum development to create a holistic approach to supporting children's growth and development.

At the core of our program is the understanding that each child is born with a unique blueprint – their Human Design – which encompasses not only their personality traits but also their physical, mental, and emotional needs. By delving into the science of differentiation, we unlock insights into the body and mind's operating systems, enabling us to tailor our support to each child's individual requirements.

Through a comprehensive assessment process, we guide parents in understanding their child's Human Design type, strategy, authority, and Primary Health System digestion, environment, perception, and motivation. This understanding forms the foundation upon which we build personalized parenting strategies, creating an environment that supports the child's learning, communication, and emotional well-being.

Central to our approach is the integration of Waldorf Educational principles, which emphasize the importance of rhythm, play, creativity, and connection with nature. We help parents establish healthy daily rhythms and routines, design nurturing home environments, and provide guidance on lifestyle practices that support the child's overall well-being.

Our curriculum development process focuses on a holistic learning approach, integrating academic subjects with arts, crafts, music, movement, and outdoor activities to engage the whole child. We assist parents in creating individualized learning plans tailored to their child's interests, learning style, and Human Design profile, while also providing guidance on assessment and progress tracking.

As we journey together, we support emotional and social development, impart life skills education, emphasize nature connection, and encourage community engagement. Through ongoing support, mentorship, and evaluation, we ensure that our program evolves to meet the changing needs and interests of each child.

Together, let us create a nurturing educational environment where every child can flourish, stepping into their power, unleashing imagination, intuition, and inspiration. Join us on this transformative path toward nurturing the next generation and shaping a brighter future for all.

STEP 1. Understanding Your Child's Human Design:

Introduction to Human Design: Provide an overview of Human Design principles and how they apply to understanding individual children.

Assessment: Guide parents through an assessment process to determine their child's Human Design type, strategy, authority, profile, and centers. As well as their Primary Health Systems digestion, environment, motivation, and perception.

Interpretation: Help parents interpret the results of the assessment in the context of their child's unique personality, strengths, and challenges.

Parenting Strategies: Offer tailored parenting strategies based on the child's Human Design to support their learning, communication, and emotional well-being.

STEP 2. Creating a Supportive Environment:

Waldorf Educational Principles: Introduce parents to Waldorf Education philosophy, emphasizing the importance of rhythm, play, creativity, and connection with nature.

Daily Rhythms: Assist parents in establishing healthy daily rhythms and routines that align with their child's Human Design and developmental stage.

Environment Design: Provide guidance on creating a nurturing home environment that stimulates the child's senses, fosters imagination, and encourages exploration.

Health: Offer recommendations for lifestyle practices that support the child's physical, mental, and emotional well-being based on their Human Design.

STEP 3. Curriculum Development:

Holistic Learning Approach: Introduce parents to the concept of holistic learning and how it can be applied to their child's education, integrating insights from Human Design and Waldorf Education.

Subject Integration: Help parents design a curriculum that integrates academic subjects with arts, crafts, music, movement, and outdoor activities to engage the whole child.

Individualized Learning Plans: Assist parents in creating individualized learning plans that cater to their child's unique interests, learning style, and Human Design profile.

Assessment and Progress Tracking: Provide guidance on how to assess the child's progress and growth across various learning domains while honoring their individual pace and abilities.

STEP 4. Supporting Your Child's Full Potential:

Emotional and Social Development: Offer strategies for fostering emotional intelligence, empathy, and healthy social relationships based on the child's Human Design and developmental stage.

Life Skills Education: Incorporate life skills education into the curriculum, teaching practical skills such as cooking, gardening, woodworking, and problem-solving that align with the child's Human Design.

Nature Connection: Emphasize the importance of connecting with nature through outdoor exploration, nature-based activities, and environmental stewardship projects.

Community Engagement: Encourage involvement in community service projects, collaborative learning experiences, and cultural enrichment activities to foster a sense of belonging and social responsibility.

STEP 5. Implementation and Follow-Up:

Action Plan: Support parents in implementing the curriculum and educational strategies developed, providing guidance and resources as needed.

Ongoing Support and Evaluation: Offer ongoing support, mentorship, and opportunities for parents to connect with other families following similar educational approaches.

Review and Adjustments: Facilitate regular reviews and assessments of the curriculum and educational practices, making adjustments based on the child's evolving needs, interests, and feedback.

By integrating insights from Human Design with principles from Waldorf Education and curriculum development, parents can create a rich and nurturing educational environment that supports their child's holistic growth and development.

The How?

The program begins by collecting comprehensive data through surveys and observations to grasp the child's unique needs and preferences. Following this, a collaborative effort ensues to craft individualized plans, establish clear objectives, and allocate necessary resources. The implementation phase focuses on executing these plans while continuously monitoring progress and fostering open dialogue among all involved parties. Regular evaluation and review sessions ensure adaptability and effectiveness, allowing for adjustments as required to optimize outcomes for the child.

As the program progresses, emphasis is placed on facilitating the child's smooth transition to new environments or stages of development. Ongoing support and follow-up are provided to monitor their adjustment and progress, with long-term planning efforts extending beyond immediate interventions. Throughout the process, stakeholders maintain active involvement, contributing insights and perspectives to inform decision-making and enhance overall effectiveness.

In summary, the program unfolds through a structured process of data collection, collaborative planning, implementation, evaluation, and ongoing support. With a focus on the child's individual needs and continuous feedback from stakeholders, the program aims to foster holistic development and long-term success.

We must learn the Art of Being!

We must learn the Art of Being!

To be with the children,

To give them space to be who they are,

Not who you think they are,

To learn from them.

A parent and teacher is a guide -

And we must inspire them with our passions!

A true guide -


and Creatively provides direction

and Rhythms that flow and uplift the whole.

It’s a conversation,

The art of communication,

which allows each child and adult to participate.

Learn how to sit in circle.

As it can teach many important things on earth,

Taking turns - Listening and Sharing.

Relationships are effortful,

Life is effortful,

Cultivating nourishing standards with our children Is essential!

Conflict is inevitable,

Responding not reacting is an art,

Something we must cultivate,

If we want to learn how to Make space for the other.

Healthy Rhythms are essential,

As well conscious discipline practices (like yoga, Chi Gong, somatic and embodiment practices)

We must remain...

Committed to the power of love!

No matter what is going on,

This creates the stability,

That supports everyone’s well-beingness.

The time is NOW!

Know your codes and pave the way to coherency, fluidity and opportunity.

Parent /Teacher Education Consultations to support parents in the awareness of the uniqueness of their children and a guide map of their body /mind operating systems. Learning and experimenting with these tools will bring more connection, ease and wonder to your lives.

2024 - Amber Melendy

All rights reserved