What is Human Design?

We each have a gift,

It’s our uniqueness,

Our perspective of the world,

our hands, heart and mind of the world.

We are here to tend to our body. Our bodies are the earth's body. We are nature and our biorhythms are the key to optimal health and alignment.

When we attune to our bodies through our Human Design strategy and authority we pave the way to embodied consciousness.

Called the Science of Differentiation, Human Design, gives us the mechanics to our body and mind operating systems. Most of us make decisions from the mind, but the mind is to serve the other. It is essential to learn the map of the body and how to make correct decisions that bring peace, satisfaction, success and wonder to our lives.

Patterns and behaviors,

Can either uplift and empower…

or not

We can ask ourselves,

Is this life giving or not.

Our communities are fragmented,

People inwardly divided,

And externally unable to share their true genius with the world.

We are in a pressure cooker. The root and head are pressure centers. It's easy to act out of fear, mental anxiety and emotional disfunction.

It can feel that we are pressed up against a wall.

This is an experiment. Not a belief system.

Learn the Art of an Embodied Star.

You are your own Guru.

I am my own Guru.

Learn the Keys to your Body and Mind's Design. Pave the way to Deep Satisfaction,


Embodied Success

and the Wonder and Delight of Life!

You are the Key! Unlock your Self.

The time is NOW!

Human Design readings are a guide map of your body /mind operating systems.

Learning and experimenting with these tools will bring more satisfaction, peace, success and wonder to your life.

Human Design Reading - $175

  • 1 ½ hour initial reading

  • Meditation on your Design

  • Includes Recording and handouts to support you

Human Design Reading Plus - $300

  • 1 ½ hour initial reading

  • 45 minute Follow up within a month

  • Meditation on your Design

  • Includes Recording and handouts to support you

  • Access to email responses - within the month you have access to ask questions via email and receive responses within reasonable time.

Human Design Pre-recorded

Map of your Bodygraph- $125

  • Includes a 30 minute pre-recorded overview of the basics of your BodyGraph.

  • 40 pg. Powerpoint presentation - a visual overview of your BodyGraph

  • Handouts to support

  • Access to Private FB Group

What is Your Human Design?

Input your Birth Info. and receive a Free Chart and Report Today!

Know your codes and pave the way to coherency, fluidity and opportunity.

How to get started!

Adults and Connection Charts

Fill out the form below

How to get started!

Understanding Your Child'

Fill out the form below

2024 - Amber Melendy

All rights reserved