Now Offering Private and Small Group Sessions - Yoga and /or Meditation

Yoga is a way of life and my approach is informed by 20 years of practicing and guiding therapeutic yoga sessions as well as training yoga teachers in the Rajas Yoga Path.

Shine On Yoga

200 Hour Teacher Training

The Shine On Yoga Teacher Training Program is an integrative approach to yoga, with a particular emphasis on - Patanjali’s 8-limbed Rajas Yoga system; dynamic and functional alignment based Hatha Yoga Asanas; and is a rich toolbox of ancient wisdom tradition teachings.

This training offers participants a unique opportunity to embody their own truth through the practice and teaching of Hatha Yoga.   

Art of Being is imbuing all of our Doings with Being-ness:

intentionality over agenda;

presence, freshness, and seeing the beauty; and opening to what is possible

and when necessary, letting go for deep release.

Together We bring greater awareness to the Keys to Life.  

In setting a space with these values in mind and heart, we have the opportunity to tap into our unlimited potential. When groups come together in this way there is no limit to what we can create.

The training weekends will include:  

1.     Cultivating Ayurvedic & Yogic Lifestyle and Techniques to support greater awareness of Self and to guide others  

2.     Dynamic and functional alignment and study of subtle bodies  

3.     Yoga for Every Body - Health Conditions, Trauma-Informed and Emotional Wellness

The training has been described as a heart-opening and transformative experience that allows for a deepening of personal practice and reconnection to the joyful spirit of life.

"Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory."


“In reality there is
a single integral community of the Earth that includes all its component
members whether human or other than human. In this community every being has its own role to fulfill, its own dignity, its inner spontaneity. Every
being has its own voice. Every being declares itself to the entire Universe.
Every being enters into communion with other beings. This capacity for
relatedness, for presence to other beings, for spontaneity in action, is a
capacity possessed by every mode of being throughout the Universe.”
~ Thomas Berry

“If you meditate for half an hour daily, you will be able to face life with peace and spiritual strength. Meditation is the most powerful mental and nerve tonic. Divine energy freely flows to the adept during meditation, and exerts a benign influence on the mind, nerves, sense organs and body. It opens the door to intuitive knowledge and realms of eternal bliss. The mind becomes calm and steady.”

-Swami Sivananda

200-hour Teacher Training Details

Location: Gainesville Medical Massage School

7731 W. Newberry Road

Fridays on Zoom from 6:00 PM -8:30 PM

Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Sunday from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM  

2023 Training Days Include

February 24-26

March 24-26

April 28-30

May 26-28

June 23-25

July 28-30

August 25-27

September 22-24  

Tuition Exchange


Study manual provided.

***Required reading texts are NOT included and must be purchased separately.

Payment plans are possible and need to be set up individually.

Registration Applications are sent to you via email after Approval Process.

Deposit & Application

Class size is extremely LIMITED. Your application must be submitted and approved before submitting your deposit.

Submit your application as soon as possible to reserve your space.

Step 1 - Fill out Form Below

Step 2 - Have a 30 min. conversation with Amber

Step 3 - Complete Application and Pay deposit upon acceptance to program

Step 4 - Start Yoga Teacher Training

Step 5 - Share the Light of Yoga with your community and the world

How to get started!

Fill out the form below and I will be in touch to set up a time to meet and discuss YTT with YOU!

More about the training...

Join the community of yoga guides and take a dive into this incredible mind/body system.

Together we will explore -

      Principles of Self-Healing: Cultivating Ayurvedic lifestyle (Five Elements, Gunas, Doshas, Pranas, Agnis, Nadis, diet, herbs, gems, essential oils, essences, etc.)

Principles of Self-Realization: Embodying Yogic Philosophy (Cosmology, Yoga Sutras, Yamas & Niyamas, Koshas, Kundalini and the Chakras, Prana, Nadis, Bandhas, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, Yantra, etc.)

Embodying Alignment Principles in Asana

Importance and Creation of Daily Discipline: Asana, Pranayama, Contemplation, Service, Devotion, Meditation and Realization

Body Mapping - self-observation in motion, understanding how our body works together 

The interconnectedness of self - shift thought and movement patterns to shift reality

Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology Understanding (knowing yourself vs. objective knowledge)- learning your bodies tension spots, misalignments and balanced points and how to see them in others 

Body Reading: Physical and Energetic Assessment in Asana

Adapting Asana to each individual

Trauma informed

Guided Meditations & Yoga Nidra

Yoga Asana Assists and Basic Thai Yoga Self-Massage for health conditions in the body and mind

Yoga for injury, chronic aches and pains Yoga for Dis-ease in the Body (including but limited to: Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, Insomnia, Infertility, IBS, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, etc) Yoga for Emotional Wellness (Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Trauma, etc.)

Each Weekend will have a theme such as:

Appreciation without Attachment: Foundation/Stability/Trust

Awareness: Letting Go and flowing with all of life:

Creativity/Emotions/Sexuality Transmutation of Impurities to Release Selfish Desire: Willpower, Confidence Compassion and Devotion: Give and Receive Love

Listening to Divine Will: Communication/Expression
Living in Pure Insight: Intuition Living in Oneness

Yoga Anatomy Portion of the YTT Program

A 20 hour Online Anatomy Training Program with Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews, authors of Yoga Anatomy and founders of the Breathing Project, offers the following.  

·       20 Hours of video/audio training divided into 10 themed units

·       Full text transcripts of the lessons

·       Downloadable/Printable handouts for each lesson

·       Downloadable/Printable worksheets for each lesson

·       Downloadable MP3′s of each lesson

·       Asana labs for physical exploration 

·       Online forum for group support and ongoing discussion

·       One year membership to Fundamentals

Required Books -

this is an old book list and isn't confirmed for 2023 training. Please don't purchase until after acceptance into the program and the final book list is sent to you via email.

Yoga Teachers' Toolbox Ring-bound 3rd Edition

by Joseph Le Page and Lilian Le Page (Author), Joseph Le Page

Bringing Yoga to Life by Donna Farhi

The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD.

Yoga Anatomy-2nd Edition

by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews

Vedantic Meditation by David Frawley Light & Vibration by Swami Sivananda Radha Human Anatomy Coloring Book by Margaret Matt

Recommended Reading

Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing & Self-Realization by Dr. David Frawley

Vedantic Meditation by Dr. David Frawley

Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation by Harish Johari

The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron

MicroChakras: InnerTuning for Psychological Well-Being

Yoga Body by Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., P.T.

About your Guide

Amber Melendy

Amber Melendy, E-RYT, Director of Shine On Yoga

Amber is the founder and visionary behind Shine On Yoga, which had a physical location from 2007-2014 in the Heart of Orlando. She created the sacred space to bring the ancient teachings of the healing arts to our community. Her mantra is "heal yourself, heal the world." Knowing yourself is the most important thing you can do for humanity and planet earth. When you are in relationship with your body, mind and spirit, you have the possibility to be in harmony with all of life.

Amber is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200). She is a certified Sivananda, Ashtanga, Kundalini and Prenatal teacher. She completed a 108-hour Anusara Immersion and completed a 200-hour Anusara Teacher Training. She has 3 years of training in Body Dialogues with Janice Rous. Body Dialogues is a synthesis of Iyengar yoga, Stough Breathing Coordination and Alexander Technique. She completed 108 hour Thai Yoga Massage training with Ariela Grodner. Currently she is finishing up Medical Massage LMT training and coursework in Master of Education with Waldorf Certification.


 “Participating in Yoga Teacher Training at Shine On was one of the best choices I have ever made. Along with gaining so much useful knowledge and information that has helped prepare me to become a yoga teacher, I grew immensely as a person both emotionally and spiritually. One of my favorite aspects of the program is that the format of each weekend allowed us the time and space to bond as a group and explore and learn together in a supportive environment. Amber is extremely gifted and knowledgeable, making her an amazing guide through the journey of YTT. I will be forever grateful for the time and passion she put in to this program. I highly recommend this YTT program to anyone who is looking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the practice of Yoga. Truly life-changing!”Taylor 

“The yoga teacher training with Amber Melendy was such an amazing, life enhancing experience for me. It was so much more than just practicing yoga poses or breathing techniques. I learned how to truly connect with all of the layers of myself. Never before have I gone this deep or connected with others so deeply. Amber taught us how to process emotions, how to release, and how to forgive. She taught us how to strengthen our energies, believe in ourselves, and open our hearts to both giving and receiving love and abundance. I learned so much about myself from this experience and have become a much happier, stronger, more peaceful, more aware version of myself. My life has been forever changed and I will forever be connected to the wonderful people I met here.”Melissa

"I have received so much more than I could ever have anticipated in taking Shine On Yoga's Teacher Training with Amber Melendy-and I'm not speaking merely of the superb anusara-influenced asana training; or the deep physiological understanding of the possibilities of healing inherent in the practice; or the philosophical synthesis of Traditional Yogic, Tantric, and Shamanic philosophies; or the emotional growth that has (inevitably) accompanied these experiential teachings. This barely scratches the surface! Amber has the genius to integrate guest instructors who have assisted her in presenting a comprehensive array of approaches to understanding, and working with, the body and energy system as practice becomes aelf-healing, heart-opening becomes trauma release and recovery, and internal realization becomes volitional self-evolution. In this training we have expanded our minds and deepened our understandings with presentations on Nutrition; Alexander Technique and Body Dialogues; Somato-Respiratory Integration; NLP-based positive Communication Techniques; Health Rhythms Group Empowerment Drumming, and more and more. And finally, Amber has drawn together a diverse, talented and truly heartful medley of trainees who each have so much to offer that this experience has been honestly life-changing in myriad ways. I walk in gratitude at inclusion in this transformation!"Wolf ”Shine On has been absolutely instrumental in my personal growth and interior expansion. I've been shown the true expression of Yoga, a Union. I've begun to blossom in understanding the intrinsic unity that can be found within this body and it's loving relationship with this mind, and through this, the extensionality of the Self to include all beings in this Ocean of We.In facing all my of ignorance and pain, not alone but with a community and family that supports it's self on this mutual intention, I am and we are re~discovering the rest of our selves. Reflecting on this leaves nothing but gratitude and projecting into where it will lead leaves nothing but joy.”Chase “Amber's yoga teacher training program is the most influential and life-changing program I've ever experienced. Her dedication to connect with each person ensures they will receive the most fulfilling, and well-rounded yoga training possible. Going beyond the typical yoga teacher training programs available in the U.S., Amber's program focuses on asana anatomy, yoga philosophy and personal awakening. Each student walks away feeling empowered to teach from an authentic place. I learned more about myself, grew as a person, became more accepting of myself and others, and have become more self-actualized as a result of her teachings. I highly recommend the program to anyone looking to understand yoga and their self on a deeper level.”Michelle

"Shine On Yoga TT is unique in that it delves deep into the Self in ways that enable you to grow exponentially. Amber is a truly gifted teacher and mentor; she offers her knowledge & insight from a wide range of healing modalities and encourages you to explore your true spirit as a teacher and student. It really is a life changing experience you will not regret!"Mary Kathryn

 “I absolutely loved my yoga teacher training with Amber Melendy. I learned so much about alignment, chakras, and energy that I use in my classes now; but, more importantly, I learned so much more about myself: my body, my limits/fears, and my spirit. I found a beautiful family. I found peace, love, and acceptance right when I needed it. I wouldn’t have changed that experience for anything.”Madeline

“I have to tell you what an amazing teacher you are.... I feel truely blessed that you allowed to enter your world and let me open myself to find my essence again.I was taken back, I had to sit back and absorb all the "juicyness" around me. I love that you say that word. So cool.”Eva

“Teacher training was a life changing, heartfelt experience. It brought me back to my entirety. I felt loved and safe to share my deepest emotions and to look at and acknowledge my past traumas. Amber was such a blessing in my life. I couldn't have asked for anything better.”Carine

“Deciding to join yoga teacher training with Amber was one of the best decisions I have made. Her program taught me so much about yoga and about myself. She provides the tools to help you grow as a person and a yoga teacher and makes a point to connect to every student she has. Her heart and soul are poured into this program, which is something rare in training's sometimes. I feel so thankful to have gone through it because I came out as a better person and better teacher, with connections to so many amazing people, and with the tools to continue in this path of yoga. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone looking for a profound experience in their journey to become a yoga teacher or anyone looking to learn more about the practice."Maria

“I highly recommend Yoga Teacher Training with Amber! I took a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with her in the 2015-2016 year. This program changed my life! “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” This quote perfectly reflects this time of my life.I had been practicing yoga for about 5 years prior to starting this training. As an avid runner, I found that yoga was a nice compliment to training for half marathons and marathons. The more I practiced, however, I realized that yoga was much more profound than a physical exercise making my body feel good. After shopping around with the various yoga teacher trainings around Central Florida, this program appealed to me because I felt that it was structured in an organized way that worked with my schedule. I particularly loved that we focused on a different chakra each weekend. We went in depth with various poses, mantras, food, herbs, and meditation techniques to tie in with each chakra. We dove into yoga anatomy, verbal cueing, pranayama, and so much more. I honestly had so many deep breakthroughs and transformations, beginning from the very first class I had with Amber.I learned how to meditate and started having visions from the very first savasana in her class. My heart broke open, allowing me to be more compassionate and understanding of myself and others. I found my voice and was able to release shame and guilt by speaking up about traumatic experiences I had been through. Yoga teacher training with Amber marked the beginning of finding comfort, confidence and serenity within myself. Amber gave us the space, acceptance, and love to… Simply. Be. Ourselves.This program allowed us to go deep within ourselves. I truly believe that if you want to be a teacher and guide, that first you must go within. Amber exemplifies and shows you the way towards being more loving, gentle, kind, and compassionate with yourself. The more aware we become with ourselves, the more we can show up for others! Whether you want to be a yoga teacher or just go deeper into the practice for self-study, Amber is one wise and powerful guide with a very diverse background of yogic healing modalities!”Robyn

“My name is Dehuel Juarbe, I've been a Yogi for about ten years. I started doing Yoga in 2010, yet I must say that when I first started doing Yoga, it was more out of a physical necessity. So I was stretching, doing asanas every day, and I started noticing amazing changes occurring within my entire life experience. From these stretches that I was doing, I started feeling a sense of Union from within myself that was becoming addicting. After a year and half or so, I wanted to take my practice to the next level, as I felt that I had reached a bit of a plateau and now I was longing for a more profound experience. I had been given a taste and now I wanted more. So in 2011 I decided to look for a teacher. Within my first few set of searches on the internet, I came across Amber's teacher training program and I became intrigued by the sensation I was feeling as looked over her website. When I contacted her, she informed me that before we move along any further, she needed to meet me in person, which at this point after she said that, I was 100% sure that she was who I wanted as my teacher. Days later I went and met with Amber, which I must say, I was in total bliss being in her presesence.  I felt her being to be one the most sensible people I had ever met. Her full attention was locked in towards our shared space and time. So with no hesitation, I chose her as my teacher and with much love, she accepted me as her student. The entire course was a beautiful journey and has been one the most profound experiences in my entire life. She encompasses the full spectrum of Yoga. The mental, physical and spiritual are all equal dimensions within her practice. She embedded within me an understanding of Yoga that was guaranteed to make me a more sensible/prudent person everyday for the rest of my life. Through my experience and reality, Amber is a true western Yogi. A rare Gem in this chaotic and hectic society. Not many teachers like her in our western culture. I consider her to be one of my Gurus for serving as a roadmap and for dispelling much of my darkness. Through her wisdom and guidance, I was able to integrate a deeper dimension of Yoga. Oh and one more thing...a very unique quality of great teacher is being an amazing student, which on that front, it is safe to say Amber is a student of All.” Namaste, DJ

2024 - Amber Melendy

All rights reserved